Becoming CGCN Certified

Certification from the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network will allow you to proudly show growers that your nursery offers high-quality, sustainable domestic grapevine material, that has been virus tested.

Nurseries, interested in becoming CGCN Certified?

Our Certification Committee, and CGCN Board of Directors have developed our Certification Standards in consultation with industry input. Visit the CGCN Certification Program tab under the Certification drop down menu for more details. Contact us using the form below for more information on how to become CGCN certified.

Growers, do you have a varietal you wish to see available through the Certification?

Have a varietal request you wish to see available through the CGCN Certification Protocols?  Drop us a line using the form below with what varietal(s) you wish to see available through the program. In addition to the 50+ varietals already in our program, we add a few more each year based on requests. 

Read our Long Term Virus Strategy plan

Grapevine viruses pose a significant negative economic impact on the industry resulting in reduced yields, lower sugars, less colour, lower levels of aroma and flavour compounds and delayed ripening which translates into lower quality wines for the Canadian and international markets.
CGCN-RCCV would like to see a long-term virus strategy implemented in Canada by 2025.

Read More

Phone: (905) 688-0990 | Ext. 222

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Become Certified | CGCN

Become Certified

We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our certification program, contact our team today. 

Contact Us